May 24, 2012

May 24, 2012  Day 13  “Not all those who wander are lost.”  JRR Tolkien, “The Fellowship of the Rings

Our third day in Georgetown was productive and we feel good about being able to move on tomorrow.  Bill changed the oil in both engines and replaced an oil change pump impeller. I finished all laundry and did lots of “organizing”! Later this afternoon we put fuel in all three tanks to save time in the morning.  Diesel fuel is a decent price here, $3.92 a gallon for a minimum of 100 gallons. Not to worry, we added 223 gallons!  We enjoyed a late dinner on board and relaxed for the evening.

We also made a call to our marina in Cape May, NJ to extend our stay there until Wednesday. We will arrive there on Saturday and would rather stay there over Memorial Weekend than venture into Atlantic City during the holiday.  We have visited Cape May three times by car and love the atmosphere of the Victorian homes, the seafood restaurants, the lighthouse, and quaint shops.  Carl and Ricki on Quest are there also and we will try to catch up with them.