June 18, 2012

June 18, 2012  Day 38                                 Total miles to date:  812.51

We got off to a nice start from Vergennes!  We said goodbye to John and Ria, our new Canadian friends on His Idea. We had no problem on the seven miles going back out of Otter Creek back into Lake Champlain.  We called ahead and made a reservation at the Burlington Community Boathouse Marina.  The dockmaster said it was very windy, but we did not experience any of this until we were about 30 minutes from Burlington. When we arrived at the dock, we soon realized it was not safe for us to try more than once to dock where they tried to put us. The winds were gusting too high. We also decided not to use a mooring ball but instead went out toward a protected area and anchored out.  We had hoped it would calm down enough to go back but here we are at anchor for the night! Bill actually took the dinghy back to the marina after dinner to borrow a tool from Carl, on Quest. (They had planned to leave today but stayed put because of the winds.) 
Plans on a boat always seem to be flexible and we just need to adjust. We had a nice dinner on board, and we hope for a calmer day tomorrow.
While at anchor, we enjoyed watching
this guy taking advantage of the wind
Bill heading back to Quest in the dinghy 
A beautiful sunset looking west over
Lake Champlain toward New York