June 7, 2012

June 6, 2012  Day 26                                   Total miles to date:  615.07

Replica of Half Moon
Plans are flexible! We had planned to leave Kingston first thing in the morning, but decided to wait until noon. We used that time to tour the wonderful Hudson River Maritime Museum which was in walking distance of our boat. There is a large replica of Henry Hudson’s boat, Half Moon when you enter the museum.  Henry Hudson made his journey here in 1609. We briefly visited with Sterling Lady, platinum Loopers heading south returning to Florida.

Fireboat at Kingston
At 11:45 we departed with Rickshaw and Quest and made a short 8.8 mile trip to Saugerties, NY where we rafted together and anchored out.  We were delighted that Moor $tuff caught up with us and rafted with us also.  We all had dinner on Rickshaw and enjoyed Ricky’s (Quest) delicious taco soup.  With intermittent rain showers that cooled the temperature, it was the perfect meal!

When we left the inlet at Kingston we passed the Rondout Lighthouse which is now used as a Bed & Breakfast.  We will continue to Waterford on Thursday.
Rondout Lighthouse