July 3, 2012

July 1, 2012  Day 51                                    Total miles to date  1011.01

Wow, we have just gone over a thousand miles on our trip – only 5,000 to go!
Today is Canada Day although we feel like people have been celebrating all weekend!

We said goodbye to Linda and Tom on Raydiance at 9 am as they wanted to leave Sainte Anne when the lock opened.  We walked back over to the Promenade side of the lock wall to browse through an Arts and Craft Fair. We decided to depart also and left our spot on the lock wall about lunchtime.  We moved to the blue line to wait with other boats for the lock to open.  Thirteen boats were in the lock – rafted together – three or four across in four rows! It was quite a sight! This lock only raises the water level between one and three feet, and has a convenient floating dock, so it was actually very easy to manage.
We were in row three of the four rows
in the lock at Ste. Anne!
We were soon in the Ottawa River – a series of lakes that are connected by more narrow sections of river, but generally a wide area. It was full of sailboats, go fast boats, jet skis, and only a few slower boats like us. Bill said there are more sailboats here than in Annapolis! It too is a beautiful area surrounded by trees, homes, and some mountains. 

We arrived at the next lock, the large Carillon Lock and tied up on the lock wall to stay overnight.  Brooks on Our Time was ready to help us with our lines when we arrived and docked in front of them. We walked over to the museum at the lock but it had already closed for the day.  There is a very nice park here and many people were having picnics.

We put a steak on the grill and had a nice dinner with the fresh asparagus and salad we bought at the Marche’!
Overnight at the Carillon Lock wall
with Our Time
Tomorrow we will enter this lock when it opens and it will raise us 65 feet!