July 10, 2012

July 10, 2012  Day 60                                  Total miles to date  1138.4

We left our lock wall at Smith Falls with Odyssey at 8:30 to be ready for the bridge opening. It was about a 20 minute wait. Odyssey tied on the blue line, but we decided to “tread water” since no one else was behind us. Once we passed through the swing bridge opening, we were in the Smith Falls Lock #31.  We locked through and were on our way down the Rideau again. It is amazing how narrow this canal is with rocks lining the sides. Staying in the channel is critical. 
The narrow Rideau!!

We locked through the Poonamalie Lock next. It is in the most peaceful quiet setting and is a favorite lock according to the lockmaster. It was our 51st lock.
Odyssey in the Poonamalie Lock
Seven miles later we arrived at the town of Rideau Ferry, said goodbye to Odyssey (they wanted to go farther today) and docked at the marina there.  We needed water and other services and decided to make a very short trip today.   This turned out to be a wise decision as Joyce became ill just as we were docking.  She had not had vertigo in a long time but had a bad case of it today complete with a stomach virus.  She was better by early evening and we hope to be on our way tomorrow. 

We will be on lock walls the next two days.  We will be in Kingston, Ontario by the weekend and will be in Trenton, Ontario on Monday, July 16. This will begin our journey on the Trent Severn waterway.
Our view from our boat on the Rideau Lake