July 16, 2012

July 16, 2012  Day 66             Trenton                     Total miles to date:  1261

Several people "walked" Our Time 90 degrees
to the back wall and then "walked" our boat in their place.
We needed to move back from the fuel dock
and it was easier this way!
We are now in Trenton, Ontario at Fraser Park Marina with two other Looper boats – Our Time and Boreas. As soon as we arrived we added fuel and then got organized.  Having wifi is a bonus and Joyce spent some time catching up with the blog, email, etc. We were soon out walking around the downtown area.
The staff here is very friendly and helpful. Sarah and I needed to get haircuts and Sandy arranged for appointments and actually drove us to the hairdresser later in the day.  We cooked dinner on the grill and then headed to a nearby grocery store. We always seem to need food!  We will stay here another day before heading up the Trent Severn. The mail has not arrived and tomorrow’s weather forecast is not encouraging.