July 27, 2012

July 26, 2012  Day 76     Bobcaygeon to Kirkfield     Total miles to date:  1430.2

Since we did not have to wait for a lock opening first thing this morning we decided to leave the marina at Bobcaygeon at 7:20 and entered Sturgeon Lake under a very overcast sky. As big as the lake is, we had it practically to ourselves. We arrived in Fenelon Falls by 9:20 and locked through immediately by ourselves.  We usually stop at the little towns but unfortunately needed to keep going this time.
It was very overcast when we left Bobcaygeon and by the time we arrived at Fenelon Falls it was raining steadily.  Thank goodness we bought good rain parkas! Joyce put hers to the test going through the lock. (Bill stayed dry as he handles the stern line from the sundeck). We continued on through the Rosedale Lock as the rain stopped and then entered Balsam Lake.  Balsam Lake is the highest point of the Trent Severn Waterway at 840 feet above sea level. We entered the Trent Canal – a very narrow channel with large rocks above and just below the surface along the sides. We were so fortunate that no other boat was coming because passing would have been very difficult. This three mile passage on the Trent Canal led to Lake Mitchell – another challenge with its narrow and shallow channel. This then led back into more of the winding Trent Canal.
Just entering the Kirkfield Lift Lock
We eventually arrived at the big Kirkfield Lift Lock by 12:15. We stayed on the upper lock wall and when the rain stopped late in the afternoon, we decided to take the ride down and stay on the lower lock wall. This would allow us to get an early start on Friday morning. Unlike the Peterborough Lift Lock, we went down this time! We entered the chamber at the top, which is more open than the Peterborough Lift, and were lowered 49 feet. It was a fun ride with a great view and we had the ride to ourselves!  An interesting note: the Kirkfield Lift Lock was our 100th lock on this trip!

Looking down!
Looking back at the lift lock after we were off

We had a nice dinner on board, caught up on some reading, and of course Bill relaxed by playing his banjo.

On Friday, we will go another 30 miles to Orillia and stay in the large Port of Orillia Marina for three nights.  (Stay two and the third night is free.) Our Time will also arrive there on Friday.