December 5, 2012 Day 208
Bay Point Marina, Panama City, FL
miles to date: 4044.3
are finally back on Carried Away
after our long road trip of over two weeks. We had such a good time visiting
our family. We spent the first night
with Bill’s brother Chuck and wife Becky in Baton Rouge and were joined by
their sons and families for dinner also. We were treated to delicious gumbo and
learned the difference between Creole and Cajun. It was a fun evening!!
next four days were spent at Fort Hood, TX visiting our daughter Kari and her
family. We stayed at a hotel on post but
were at their house each morning to begin a full day of activities. Our four grandchildren (Ashley, 10; Nathan,
8; David, 6; and Rocky, 4) kept us busy!
Our son-in-law, Robert played in a touch football game on Wednesday
morning so we were all there to cheer him on.
We helped them decorate for Christmas, had a wonderful Thanksgiving
dinner at their home, went to a fabulous animated Christmas light display, and
watched the kids at their first track and field experience. RG2 organized this
program several years ago and we were happy to meet him. We had a great family
time with them during the four days!
Texas we drove to Littleton, CO to visit our son, Bill and wife, Amy, and our
17 month old grandson, Will. We spent four days with them in their lovely new
home. Night one included dinner out and
a visit to Santa Claus, although Will
would have preferred to have skipped this part!
Nevertheless we all enjoyed it and took some good photos! A few hours later Bill became very ill with
what we thought must be food poisoning. But, three days later when our son caught
it, we realized it was a viral flu that was highly contagious. Add to that we had just come down with colds
when we arrived, and you can imagine the guilt we had about bringing illness
into their house. We loved spending time
with Will, a happy toddler always in motion! We did help them decorate their
Christmas tree and put up the Santa Express Train around the tree, much to
Will’s delight!
left on Thursday afternoon and headed southeast. We stopped in Dodge City, KS
and watched a very informative movie about the history of Dodge City and Boot
Hill. By Friday evening we arrived in
Enid, OK where we lived from 1971-1975 when Bill was stationed at Vance Air Force
Base. Unfortunately as we checked into
our hotel room, Joyce was attacked by the flu and we had to stay there two days
until she could travel. We did drive
around town to see our old neighborhood before we left. On Sunday we drove to Conway, AR.
afternoon we toured The Vicksburg National Military Park. Joyce’s great-great grandfather fought here
during the siege that ended on July 4, 1863. We were able to locate the monument for the 126th
Illinois Infantry, and also went inside the large Illinois memorial building
with the soldiers names inscribed with their unit. This is an impressive site high on the bluffs
above the Mississippi River. We reached Hattiesburg, MS later that day and
spent the night.
morning we stopped in Mobile, where we were docked a few weeks ago. We visited briefly with Laura and Ross, on The Zone, while they are having work
done on their boat at Dog River Marina.
We hope they will catch up with us soon!
From there we drove to Pensacola and toured the Naval Air Station Museum.
It is a fabulous display of airplanes but we only had two hours and could have
spent several more hours there. We
decided to drive on back to Panama City that night, so had to cut the tour
short. Hopefully we can return some day!
here we are on Wednesday, trying to get reorganized. We did not get a lot of
tasks done, but made some progress. We are still very tired and do not feel
100% well yet. We have kept the rental
car for a week and will get provisions for the boat soon. We have many chores, repairs, and cleaning to
do also and plan to remain here at Bay Point Marina for at least another week.
are happy to be back on Carried Away
but at the same time loved seeing our family and more of this great country. We will probably not update the blog each day
while we are just docked here at the marina but will check back now and then to
update our progress.
Ashley |
Nathan |
David |
Rocky |
Will in the park |
Amy, Will, and Bill |
Robert and Kari |