April 13, 2013

April 13, 2013 Day 337
River Dunes Marina
Oriental, NC
Total miles to date: 5657.6

Today was spent doing – yes, more chores.  Joyce cleaned and Bill installed the new heating element on the water heater.  It did not arrive until late afternoon, so Joyce boiled water to be able to do dishes. Well, we are on a boat!

In the meantime Bill worked on our taxes and promised they will be ready to mail on Monday.  Sadly, we have not taken advantage of being in Oriental.  There was a boat show this weekend, that we would like to have seen, but we have not been off the boat other than to walk to the marina office.  Sometimes there are things that just have to be care of – like broken water heaters.

We will leave in the morning to go to Dowry Creek Marina in Belhaven, NC.
Hopefully we will have cell phone reception.

We are beginning the last week of our trip and that is hard to believe.