April 17, 2013

April 16, 2013 Day 340
Elizabeth City Dock Wall
Elizabeth City, NC
Total miles to date: 5758.2

Today was a rock and roll day on the Albemarle Sound as we took waves on the beam for an uncomfortable two hours.  Add dodging crab pots to that and it was quite a ride!  When we reached the Pasquotank River it was much calmer. 

We arrived in Elizabeth City at 12:30 and were happy to see Bill’s brother Bob and our sister-in-law, Gennie and their friends Crosby and Christa waiting for us.  They helped us tie up at one of the free town docks and then we visited on the boat for a while. We all walked to a nearby restaurant for lunch before Crosby and Christa had to return to Poquoson, VA.  We spent lots of time visiting the rest of the evening and had dinner on board.  We are so thrilled to have Bob and Gennie with us!

Tomorrow we will travel though the Dismal Swamp!