April 19, 2013

April 19, 2013 Day 343
Whitehouse Cove Marina
Poquoson, VA
Total miles to date: 5863.4

We left Hampton with Bob and Gennie on board at 7:00 this morning to get ahead of the weather.  More wind!

By leaving early we had a fairly calm ride with a light chop on the bay and the Poquoson River.  Several friends from Poquoson were at the dock to greet us and help with our lines. How good to see them after a year!

We met Bob and Gennie and Tom and Sally for dinner at Surf Rider’s restaurant here at the marina, then came back to the boat to extend our visit.

Tomorrow is our big day as we will cross our wake and complete the Loop in Yorktown, VA where we began on May 12, 2012.  Several friends from Poquoson will join us on our boat to take that final ride.  It is still hard to believe that it is almost over!

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” –sharing more words of wisdom from Dr. Seuss