June 18, 2013

June 18, 2013 Day 27  The Hudson River
The Hudson River Maritime Museum Dock
Kingston, NY

Day nine here in Kingston!  We finally received some positive news today that part of the Erie Canal is opening in the morning.  We will still stay here in Kingston for a few more days.  We have mail being delivered on Friday and we also want to let the rush of boats to get past us.  Even so it is such good news!

We worked on more boat projects this morning. Little by little everything is getting done.  Joyce and Margi walked to a market about a mile away (uphill) with Linda and Jim. (…and yes, we were at the grocery store yesterday).

When we returned Joyce baked a Sour Cream Coffee Cake. All the Loopers are having a brunch tomorrow and the cake, along with an sausage egg casserole are our contributions.

We met three couples (Margi & Rick, Bonnie & Bob and new arrivals Dottie and Carl) for dinner at a seafood restaurant and had a good time. Rick and Margi came back to our boat for coffee and another good visit.