June 22, 2013

June 22, 2013 Day 31  The Hudson River
The Hudson River Maritime Museum Dock
Kingston, NY

Day thirteen here in Kingston!  We spent some of the day cleaning, doing laundry, and visiting with friends. 

Many rowers were out today
Today was very warm (87 degrees) and there was a constant parade of boats going up and down Rondout Creek.

We welcomed Loopers, Ron and Jan, on Adagio to the group when they arrived this afternoon.

Another fun Looper dinner!  Ron and Jan, Adagio are on the front left
We had docktails with Loopers on Spiritus, Kiwi II, Aurora, Adagio, and How Lucky Again.  We continued the gathering by grilling brats and sharing great side dishes for dinner. Eating well never seems to be a problem!

Attempted movie night under the stars (under the Super Moon)
Several of us went down to sit on Kiwi II’s aft deck to watch the movie “When Harry Met Sally”.  This was the first of a series the city is doing for the summer. We were about half way through when the movie quit working!  That was disappointing but we did enjoy being with friends for the evening.

We will stay here again tomorrow.  We have heard that the Canal may reopen by Thursday but we have no “official” word!