July 17, 2013

July 13, 2013 Day 52  Chambly Canal
Chambly Lock Wall
Chambly, Quebec, Canada

At 8:45 we called the Lockmaster and told him we were ready to depart.  Since the lock was behind us and it did not open until 9:00, no one was immediately behind us.  We enjoyed our quiet ride along the canal waving to people who were either walking or riding their bikes on the path that parallels the canal.  The Richelieu River also parallels the Canal and it is a lovely, quaint site.
We needed to transit five locks today. The locks are very small but we were able to fit in with one other boat behind us.  The lock attendants hand crank the gates to open and close them.  We also had several 3’or 4’ bridges that needed to open for us. 

The narrow Chambly Canal

Biking is very popular here for all ages
Between the first and second lock, our starboard engine stalled and Bill could not get it restarted, so here we go!  We had to enter these locks on the port engine only. Fortunately it was not windy!  The lockmasters were helpful in getting us in and secured, and we did okay.  Bill assumed the problem was air in the line and confirmed it when we got to Chambly.

Our Looper friends were all waiting for us when we got to Chambly and helped us tie up to the lock wall. It was so good to have them there for us! They had been to the Farmers Market and brought back blueberries for us! The lock wall is in a very nice park like setting adjacent to the town. 

Shortly after we arrived Joyce, Margi, and Janet walked to the grocery store which is only a block away. We grilled out tonight and shared side dishes.  We always have good food!  Afterward we walked a few short blocks with Janet and Bob to rhe ice cream store and treated ourselves to dessert.