July 17, 2013

July 14, 2013 Day 53  Chambly Canal
St. Ours Lock Wall
St. Ours, Quebec, Canada

We spent this morning with our Looper friends mostly relaxing in our canvas chairs under shade trees.  We all hoped to be able to stay on the wall another night, but we were advised by mid-morning that we may have to move.  After lunch we got the word that we would need to move (we did not have to go since we had only been there one night, but we wanted to stay with our friends). 

So at 2:00 pm we entered the flight of three locks that lowered us into the basin of the Richelieu River.  We had 30 miles to travel, and it is hard to describe the scene…every imaginable boater in the area seemed to be out enjoying this Sunday afternoon. Many were pulling kids on tubes and most were going fast. We felt like we were in a roller derby, constantly dodging boats!  We made this same part of the trip last year, but on a Monday.  What a difference a day makes!! We did enjoy the beautiful church spires that we saw along the way. 

Many churches had two spires and all were beautiful
Take this narrow rr bridge opening, add strong current, and oncoming speed boats
and you have yourself a Sunday afternoon!
We arrived at the St. Ours Lock wall at 6pm and our friends helped us tie up for the night.  We sat and visited until 7:30 and then we all went back to our boats to have dinner. We put chicken on the grill and had fresh asparagus, cantaloupe with blueberries which made a good, light meal.

We will stay here on this wall another night and will have to say goodbye to everyone in the morning when they head to Montreal. We have been with this group for a few weeks and it has been a pleasure to travel with them.  We have wonderful memories! As always, we hope to see them again on the waterways.