July 17, 2013

July 15, 2013 Day 54  St. Ours Canal
St. Ours Lock Wall
St. Ours, Quebec, Canada

Nine o’clock came all too soon and our travels with Irish Attitude, Journey, and Harmony came to an end when they entered the lock to continue their Great Loop.  It was a sad goodbye, but we will see them again someday.

Joyce spent most of the day resting, reading, and trying to stay cool. Bill did some boat chores and then mostly chart plotting.  You can imagine our surprise late this afternoon when we saw a sailboat approaching our lock wall with its crew yelling “Carried Away!”  It was our Looper friends Cindy & Mike on Aurora, that we spent 17 days with in Kingston, NY. Right behind them were Kent & Jane on Carina, Loopers we met at Shady Harbor Marina! More Loopers arrived after that and the lower and upper lock walls were filled.  One couple, Julie & Stu on Meander arrived and we discovered they are doing the Down East Loop, so we enjoyed chatting with them.
It was another extremely hot day and we decided to have chicken salad and fruit for dinner, and not cook out tonight.  We will leave in the morning when the lock opens and either anchor out or go to a marina.  Our goal is to be in Quebec City by Friday.