July 24, 2013

July 24, 2013 Day 63  St. Lawrence River
Cap De L’Aigle Marina
Cap De L’Aigle, Quebec, Canada

Bill walked over to see Ron at 7:30 this morning for final plans on departure. He came back shortly with the news we were not leaving today after all. The winds near Tadoussac were forecast too strong, and the wind against tide can cause some huge waves.  Besides, we had a heavy fog this morning and then it rained for a while in mid morning.

So, we took advantage of the time off and cleaned the boat. Joyce vacuumed and mopped floors and Bill repaired an antenna connection.  Lisa came over to visit in the morning and we had a good time chatting over coffee.  Bill hiked up the hill to see the residential part of the town nearest the marina.

Love the view from the back of our boat! 
This afternoon, Shannon and Richard arrived on Esmeralda and we invited them to dinner along with Ron and Lisa. We had a great time sharing boating stories!  We will all go to Tadoussac tomorrow and spend at least one day there.  Time to see the whales!