August 19, 2013

August 18, 2013 Day 88   Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia
Liscombe Lodge Dock
Liscomb Mills, Nova Scotia, Canada

Thank goodness, a calm day on the Atlantic!  We left our anchorage at 7:00 and were very happy not to have a repeat of yesterday.  We needed to get to a marina for water, so we had little choice but to travel today.  After three hours on the ocean we entered the narrow, picturesque Liscomb River and went another 7 miles to our destination - a small dock at the Liscombe Lodge.  There is room for two boats, and since another boat, Cheryl Ann, already had a reservation, we rafted to Outbound at the dock.

The Liscomb River
We were happy that Esmeralda arrived this afternoon and anchored nearby. Richard and Bill found some time for their guitar/banjo fix and then we all went to dinner at the lodge.  Ralph and Cheryl on Cheryl Ann, (former Loopers) also joined us.  At dinner we realized we saw them on the Hudson River in July and had talked to them on the radio.

Ralph, Cheryl, Ron, Richard, Shannon, Lisa, Joyce, Bill
We had a very nice meal at the lodge restaurant that included planked salmon and prime rib and rhubarb pie and much more. The lodge is very nice with a main building, conference center, cottages, chalets, heated pool, hiking trails, bicycles, kayaks, and offers many outdoor programs.  The lodge is spelled Liscombe, although the river is Liscomb!  The scenery here is beautiful!

Chester, the dockmaster is very helpful and offered to let us borrow his car tomorrow to do grocery shopping, etc.  We do appreciate his hospitality!