August 17, 2015

August 17, 2015  Day 58 New York Summer 2015
Albany Yacht Club
Albany, NY

In preparing to leave this morning, Bill first washed the decks of the boat.  Then we drove to the pump out station and emptied the holding tank. At 10:00 this morning we said goodbye to the Erie Canal and Waterford as we entered the Hudson River.  Twenty minutes later we entered the last lock of the season.  This is the Federal Lock at Troy, NY.  We had a perfect transit of this lock – not a bad way to go through the last one!  This was our 60th lock this summer!

We arrived in Albany and docked at the Albany Yacht Club at 11:40. This was a very short trip today!  We got checked in and then took a cab to Walmart.  We had to pick up prescriptions and get a few more provisions.  Another cab ride back to the boat, and we were set for the day.

We had dinner on board, watched TV, and read this evening. We are not sure how far we will go tomorrow but will definitely look for an anchorage along the Hudson.