September 21, 2015

September 21, 2015  Day 9 Fall Break 2015
Whitehouse Cove Marina
Poquoson, VA

A rainy day…a Monday… and time for an update….

We have been back for nine days now and have been busy adjusting to staying put – at least on the boat.  We do seem to be in the car every day though!
Joyce and President Lincoln in front
of the Gettysburg Battlefield Museum

A view of the battlefields 

We spent four days in Pennsylvania this past week. We began with a visit with Bill’s aunt who is currently in a nursing facility recovering from a light stroke.  Then we spent two days at a very large RV show in Hershey, PA, learning as much as we could about RVs and that lifestyle.  We had a great time and certainly got our exercise!  We took a slight detour on the way home and stayed in Gettysburg.  We took a wonderful guided bus tour of the battlefields the next day and also toured the museum and cyclorama.  We had not been there in over 25 years and took in all the history, trying to soak up the immense amount of data. Over 7000 lives lost during that three day battle in July 1863. A very sad time in our nation’s history.  We left the battlefield and then found an Irish pub for lunch before starting our drive back home – Friday afternoon rush hour toward DC!

Yesterday we drove to Virginia Beach and spent the afternoon with our daughter, son-in-law and four grandchildren!  It is so nice to have them nearby when we are here.

We are also getting things done on the boat, relaxing, reading and visiting friends.  We will take the boat to Portsmouth, VA next week for repairs to the bow. We had hoped to go this week but the bay is too rough!  We will leave it there about three weeks and stay with Bill’s brother.

We will try to update the blog again in another week or two.