September 9, 2015

September 9, 2015  Day 81 New York Summer 2015
Mooring Ball, Annapolis Harbor
Annapolis, Maryland

Today was moving day after spending a week at a marina. We departed Georgetown before nine o’clock, after first stopping at the fuel dock to empty the holding tank.   We retraced our route back out the Sassafras and then entered the Chesapeake Bay, heading south.  We were fortunate to have the current with us all day and enjoyed the 10 mph speed we maintained!  The bay was a little choppy but definitely not uncomfortable. We were happy to see the sun come out after having started under a cover of clouds.

Approaching the Chesapeake Bay Bridge
We arrived in Annapolis at 2pm and chose a mooring ball. Joyce stayed at the helm while Bill got us secured to the mooring ball.  We have a good system of hand signals that works for us.

The Pride of Baltimore visited Annapolis today
Room for a few more in the mooring field -
but these were mostly filled by evening

We had hoped to see the sailboat races that take place here every Wednesday evening, but then learned that last week was the final one for the season. 

We watched the sky as dark clouds moved in around dinner time. We had lightning but no rain.  We will determine in the morning whether we stay another day with storms forecast or if we will continue on to Solomon’s.  Bill’s brother’s boat developed engine problems at Solomon’s, and we will meet him there and tow his boat back to Poquoson this weekend.